Alex & Sierra - Little Do You Know 你並不知道
Alex / Sierra / Both
Little do you know 你怎會知道
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep 當你扮作沒事發生時我有多心痛
Little do you know 你不會知道
I'm still haunted by the memories 我仍然為從前的記憶感到恐懼
Little do you know 恐怕你不知道
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece 我正努力嘗試撿回自己四散的碎片
Little do you know 你知道嗎?
I need a little more time 我還需要少許時間
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside 在此之前我仍被內心的空洞作困
I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind 我害怕你會改變主意而卻步
I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight 我準備原諒你但忘記卻是另一種戰鬥
Little do you know 你知道嗎?
I need a little more time 我還需要少許時間
I'll wait, I'll wait 我會等, 在這裡等
I love you like you've never felt the pain, 我愛你就像從未感到痛苦的時候
I'll wait 我會等
I promise you don't have to be afraid, 我答應不會再令你感到害怕
I'll wait 我會等
The love is here and here to stay 你要的愛就在這裡, 待在這裡
So lay your head on me 所以儘管倚靠我吧
Little do you know 你未必知道
I know you're hurting while I'm sound asleep 在我裝作睡著時感到你的心碎
Little do you know 你不會知道
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me 我被自己犯過的錯誤所淹沒
Little do you know 恐怕你不知道
I'm trying to make it better piece by piece 我嘗試著逐步逐步地挽回局面
Little do you know 希望你知道
I love you 'til the sun dies 我愛你直至太陽沒落
Oh wait, just wait 等等, 請給我點時間
I love you like I've never felt the pain, 我愛你就像從未感到痛苦那時候
Just wait 請等等
I love you like I've never been afraid, 我愛你就像從未感到過恐懼
Just wait 就這樣等著
Our love is here and here to stay 我們的愛就在這裡, 待在這裡
So lay your head on me 所以儘管倚靠我吧
I'll wait, I'll wait 我會等待, 慢慢等
I love you like you've never felt the pain, 我愛你就像從未感到痛苦那時候
I'll wait 我會等
I promise you don't have to be afraid, 我愛你就像從未感到過恐懼
I'll wait 我會等
The love is here and here to stay 我們的愛就在這裡, 待在這裡
So lay your head on me 所以儘管倚靠我吧
Lay your head on me 就這樣靠著我
So lay your head on me 儘管倚靠我
'Cause little do you know 只因為我希望你知道
I, I love you 'til the sun dies 我會永遠愛著你
06/10/2014 21:58